Second Wind
Note: Second Wind heals for 40% of post mitigated damage and gets multiplied by all variables of the typical healing formula (Power * Outgoing Healing * Incoming Healing).
It is able to stack! Each stack will provide its own additional 20% Hit Points and an own combat log entry for each heal.
The best daily for survivability and gaining Threat in boss fights. Not only does Second Wind increase Hit Points by 20%, but it also heals on dealing damage (heals=Threat). Synergizes extremely well with “Manticore's Mane Bite”, dealing damage of 50% maximal Health, healing a portion of it and creating Threat via the damage and the heals.
Viable Daily for doing damage in the radius 20’. Useful on DPS checks where not much survivability is required.
Image contains the added effect from the feat describtion.
Without the Feat: The 40% damage buff is nice when actively trying to deal damage and is able to beat Earthshaker and Bladed Rampart. Less worth than Earthshaker and Bladed Rampart when no damage encounters and support mounts are taken. The stun immunity can help to dispel the stun effect in Master Defense of the Moondancer.
With the Feat: It gains a 180 seconds Cooldown (unaffected by the stat ‘Recharge Speed’), but no Stamina is used while blocking non unavoidable damage (the damage floaters without the skull). Unavoidable damage goes through the Immunity! One simply can take huge hits while the daily is active and any incoming hit is blocked! Does Work against buffed Angels in ZCM or against the Bleed in Crown of Keldegonn. Does not work on Annihilations in ToMM!
Bladed Rampart
Unable to stack.
Image contains the added effect from the feat describtion.
Useful as mitigation for beginners or for offensive build toons at very high Item Level (to compensate for the missing defensive stats). Especially when the “Sharpened Senses” Feat is taken (+30% Awareness as mentioned in the image). However, Second Wind still heals, which is probably more useful than Bladed Rampart in most cases even for beginners. If the player gets close to the Defense and Awareness cap, this daily becomes literally useless. Similarly for damage purposes, mobs / bosses normally don’t attack often enough to beat Earthshaker.
Stacks? (Most probably)
The party mitigation skill. Used to counter strong hitting mechanics on the whole party, like Trobriand’s final Blast in Lair of the Mad Mage. Can not use Dig In / Blocking simultaneously, thus for taking big hits alone, Second Wind wins.
Daily Power Discussion
In trash mob fights the best Daily choice for survivability is Second Wind (ignoring Bladed Rampart on offensive builds here). The heals and 20% more Hit Points are just awesome. When feeling safe, Earthshaker or Determination can be used to deal damage. Determination with the Feat ‘Perfect Block’ can be used when the damage from trash mobs is brokenly high like in some current Reapers Challenges (Merchant Prince Folly for example) and one expects to die a few times anyway. Determination then prolongs the inevitable outcome by 10 seconds. Bladed Rampart can be taken if the mobs are scattered. Phalanx is useless in mob fights.
In boss fights the best Daily choice for survivability is again Second Wind (unless Awareness is still very low, then under certain circumstances Bladed Rampart with the Feat Sharpened Senses can be used too). Determination with the Feat ‘Perfect Block’ can be used again to survive certain situations that cannot be survived by massive heals or high Hit Points!
When feeling safe, Earthshaker and Determination can be used to deal damage. Phalanx should be priority 1 for countering mechanics on the party. Because Bladed Rampart and Determination are very situational, Second Wind is the default Daily for survivability.
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