Deciding factor: Item Bonuses
There are several viable rings. The threat generating rings are shown first, due to their importance!
Threat Rings
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice for Adds
Because of its importance, this ring is mentioned first. An absolute great ring for getting and holding aggro on trash mobs and bosses with trash mob spawns. Makes tanking trash mobs way easier! Can be switched out for boss fights without mobs.
The Ring generates 25 000 Threat every 0.5 seconds. This is multiplied by all threat multipliers. “Around you” equates to a close range of something between 20’ and 30’.
+1 provides 100 IL more. The bonus stays the same. Rings do not stack!
Source: Mastercraft, Auction House
Alternative threat generation ring. Generates the same amount of threat.
Source: Dragon Hunt Store
Lesser alternative.
Source: Mog - Avernus, Auction House
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
The Mod 24 Ring for supporters. Can be kept up permanently through spamming Cleave. It does not have any ICD. Best way to support the party, when survivability is covered or less important!
The Dark Maiden Bonus of two Eilistraee rings deals 33.333 Magnitude damage using the typical damage formula and the Magical Damage Boost.
Source: Master Temple of Spider
When triggered, the Ring deals 11 times 50 Magnitude damage over 10 seconds. The 50 Magnitude damage is multiplied with most of the normal damage formula values (Power, CA, Damage Boosts like Seethe, etc…). Specialties:
It can not crit
It uses the Magical Power Boost
It is unaffected by its triggering source: For example it is not buffed by the At-Will damage Boost.
Similar to the BoA, the Ring of Darkness has a maximum working range of 50’.
It has an internal cooldown of 10 seconds before it is able to trigger again (on any mob!).
Reduces enemies accuracy by 30%. As mentioned in Part 2, we know that the enemy Accuracy is 0%. Thus the enemies accuracy is reduced to -30% which works as if we all would have 30% more Deflect Severity. Adding 30% Deflect Severity to all raid members does unfortunately not offer much reliable survivability. There are just not enough situations in the game where the Ring of Darkness would be beneficial.
Recommended to choose only when aiming for its debuff.
Set Bonus: When triggered, Dooming Darkness deals 10 times 30 Magnitude damage over 10 seconds instead. The final hit does 300 Magnitude damage. Aery Defender deals 5-7 times 100 Magnitude damage. Aery Defender may attack a different mob group on its own. Dooming Darkness and Aery Defenders damage is multiplied under the same constraints like BoA and RoD. Aery Defender is however bugged and some bonuses do not work (Batiri’s Wisdom, The Bigger they Are and some more). Source: Vault of Stars Hardcore - Reagent drops from bosses
The last mods brought kind a few nice choices in! That said, Manticore's Mane Bite is also still one of the best choices to take.
☆☆☆ One Choice when not using Daily and Manticore's Mane Bite
Big Stat Bonus when no Daily is required. Good for days where you want to play less active! Do not use it in MDoM (The Tank buster cannot be deflected)!
Source: The Demonweb Pits (Master) - Chest
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice for GZM
Best defensive option against Beholders. This ring is currently only useful in Gzemnid’s Reliquary.
Bug: Beware, that the Rays (Petrified, Disintegrate, Telekinesis, Withering) are not reduced by this ring (The big red circles on the ground).
2 Ring bonus: The 2% Damage against Bosses work and the 100 Magnitude works too (unaffected by Power, … and only the flat Damage stat as pre mitigated damage is inflicted).
Source: Gzemnid’s Reliquary
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice against Dragons
Best defensive option for dragon hunts and any other dragon (like Crown of Keldegonn or Tiamat)
(Despite its rumors of not working, it works properly!)
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
Great Bonus! But not so great for Fighters that have an abundance of Awareness resources. We do not want to have unreliable ones!
Source: The Demonweb Pits (Master) - Chest
A great defensive ring for bosses without adds.
Source: Vault of Stars end chest
Hard to get item with questionable bonus. You shouldn't spend too much time at low health to make use of the bonus!
Source: The Infernal Citadel (Master)
This bonus got fixed! Keep in mind that only a few attacks are considered ranged. A few of them are listed here:
Beholder attack - Eyes of the Beholder (looks like lasers from eyes)
Drider - Slashing Darkness (Red front attack in a shape of a rectangle, this attack is unaffected by drow/spider wards)
Drider - Prey Seeker (purple balls)
This bonus can be gained from bracers too!
Source: Defense of the Moondancer (Advanced)
Lesser version of Moondancer's Binding of Cognition.
The Dark Maiden Bonus of two Eilistraee rings deals 33.333 Magnitude damage using the typical damage formula and the Magical Damage Boost.
Source: Master Temple of Spider
☆ Starter Item
A niche ring. Good for reducing the damage of trash mobs while keeping the Ring of Condemned active. However, there is barely any need to use this ring.
Source: Mog - Avernus, Auction House
☆ Starter Item The mod 25 beginner rings. 3000 Awareness with high Item Level and for a cheap price in the Auction House.
Source: Menzoberranzan / Auction House
☆ Starter Item
Only recommended as a temporary solution to get higher Critical Avoidance.
The ring is interesting for its 5550 Critical Avoidance. This ring is listed here, because I still see many tanks using it and giving the above reason. I would recommend getting the 5550 Critical Avoidance from other sources instead. The Shielded Offense bonus reflects 50% of the received (and not shielded) post mitigated damage in 5%. Triggers thus extremely rarely for a negligible amount of damage!
Bug: The Magnitude max damage is 250 Magnitude (Unaffected by Power, …). However at 100k IL this is still only 25000 damage!
The Dark Maiden Bonus of two Eilistraee rings deals 33.333 Magnitude damage using the damage formula and the Magical Damage Boost.
Source: Master Temple of Spider
☆ Not recommended!
The ring is interesting, to get the Lolthian’s Might bonus combined with its high Defense stat and for the increased incoming Healing when hiding behind the shield. Not recommended, because we have better choices with the Grace Ring and Ring of Darkness.
2 Ring bonus: The 2% Damage against Bosses work and the 100 Magnitude works too (unaffected by Power, … and only the flat Damage stat as pre mitigated damage is inflicted).
Source: Gzemnid’s Reliquary
☆ Starter Item
Okayish Starter item. Get better rings asap.
Source: Heroic Encounters in Mount Hotenow
☆ Starter Item
Another funny trap item:
This item has indeed the potential to give 11 500 Deflection! Potential wise it is by far the strongest item! However, since heals are so powerful in the game, the state of hitpoints is typically either 0% (dead) or 100%. Thus pretty useless.
Source: Mini bosses and Heroic Encounters in Wildspace
★ Bad Choice
Unreliable and only up to 2% DR. Not worth it!
Source: Lair of the Mad Dragon (Advanced / Master)
★ Bad Choice
Great for countering a tank buster once in a while. However, tank busters follow normally in short periods. And if Second Wind is used, then the survivability is already greatly increased. Not recommended due to its rare use.
This is true for the lesser versions too.
Source: Vault of Stars end chest
★ Bad Choice
The bonus is really great, however low IL and 6s standing on one spot is hard to achieve without moving or getting kicked around.
Source: unavailable (Redeemed Citadel Battle Pass)
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
The ring featuring the Manticore’s Mane Bite! This ring deals awesome damage and aggro on each daily use. Makes holding aggro in bursts way easier! The bonus can be gained from head pieces too. Does not stack!
Its threat from the damage is multiplied by the Vanguard Threat multiplier as all damage.
Source: Vault of Stars end chest
Lesser version of Diamond Abyssal Ring.
Source: Vault of Stars end chest
☆☆ Starter Item
Lesser version of Diamond Abyssal Ring.
Has also a legendary version (+20 IL) to flex.
Source: Tower of the Mad Mage, Auction House
☆☆ Starter Item (as long as Mountain of Flame is open to all)
The damage of 13,229 is unchanged and does not scale with power or Item Level and is thus especially interesting for scaled content. It can trigger quite often, but is not very reliable. Not interesting enough for endgame content though.
Source: Heroic Encounters in Mountain of Flame
☆☆ Starter Item (as long as Wildspace is open to all)
Upgraded version of the easy to get ring. Not worth to upgrade! The damage of 13,229 is unchanged and does not scale with power or Item Level and is thus especially interesting for scaled content. It can trigger quite often, but is not very reliable. Not interesting enough for endgame content though.
Source: Heroic Encounters in Doomspace
Best offensive ring for Wildspace. Careful not to use too many +Wildspace Damage Bonuses, because not all bonuses stack together!
Source: The Infernal Citadel (Master)
The 7% Power should have a good uptime with a healer. However, +7% Power isn't that much in comparison to other bonuses.
Source: The Infernal Citadel (Master)
Best offensive ring for dragon hunts and any other dragon (like Crown of Keldegonn or Tiamat)
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
☆ Starter Item
Source: Demonweb Pits (Advanced) / Auction House
Last updated