Encounter Powers
Shield Slam
14s base Cooldown.
Shield Slam is even after its buff in its current state pretty useless. There are better choices to take. Can be used if control is more worth than survivability in broken scaled mob damage. And even then not of much use.
Knee Breaker
16s base Cooldown.
Technically the second best damage dealing Encounter considering Magnitude, Cooldown and Cast time for single targets.
Bull Charge
12s base Cooldown.
Image contains the added effect from the feat describtion.
Very useful in trash mobs for triggering the bugged-for-good (+50 Magnitude instead of +40 when hitting multiple enemies) ‘Cleaving Bull’ Feat and the best gap closer. Damage wise, only short behind Knee Breaker and Anvil of Doom.
Shield Throw
12s base Cooldown.
6s base Cooldown with Feat.
Image contains the added effect from the feat describtion.
Only useful with the T1 Shieldthrower Feat:
The best Encounter Power damage wise and threat wise for a single target. Small cooldown and even a ranged attack! Shield Throw generates 300% more threat (multiplier).
When using the Enforced Threat Feat, then Shield Throw is useless.
Anvil of Doom (AoD)
18s base Cooldown.
Used in trials for its hard-taunting effect with the Anvil of Challenge passive. Useful for gaining aggro on only a specific target instead of gaining it on all via Enforced Threat (Defense of the Moondance, Gzemnid’s Reliquary, Zariel’s Challenge). In cases, the ‘specific target’ is not required, Enforced Threat will do it better than Anvil of Doom, because Enforced Threat has a lower Cooldown and decreases enemies' Awareness! Useful as a second hardtaunt when feated against sweaty dps.
Enforced Threat (ET)
14s base Cooldown.
Image contains the added effect from the feat describtion.
One of the few powers that reduce the stats of the enemy. As mentioned in Part 2, we know that the enemy Awareness is 0%. Thus the question arises what -10% Awareness actually does. The answer is maybe surprising: It is added beyond the cap on the 90% of Combat Advantage, thus it is useful for as long as the CA-Awareness debuff capof 100% is not reached! Less worth due to the CA-Awareness Cap!
Additionally takes the aggro immediately on all mobs. Should most time be taken if possible. Only downside is that it deals no damage and looks like it didn't do anything. Can trigger effects like Glyphs.
Also increases threat by +500% if Staying Power feat is taken.
Knight’s Challenge
24s base Cooldown.
A power that can be used to replenish 50% Stamina. It is especially useful in Master Defense of the Moondance, Crown of Keldegonn, MToS or the Boreworm boss fight in the Lair of the Mad Mage. Outside these situations, this power is only useful when the healer is not great and problems of survivability exist.
Jack of all trades - Master of None: Weaker than Iron Warrior for survivability and if used as a second survivability encounter, aggro problems may occur. Too long cooldown to reliable regenerate stamina. Barely any damage reflected as enemies are not attacking fast enough and blocking / Dig In should not be used purely to trigger the damage reflection. (Instead blocking and Dig In is used to mitigate big hits and small burst frames).
16s base Cooldown.
The only viable encounter power for doing direct damage and aggro to mob groups. Gap closer and good fight opener. Linebreaker generates 300% more threat (multiplier).
Iron Warrior
24s base Cooldown.
The only encounter power that reduces incoming damage. It is part of the damage mitigation multipliers and orthogonal to defensive stats. Should be always used to mitigate big hits and bursts!
Knight’s Valor (KV)
18s base Cooldown.
An awesome encounter power. Useful for protecting and transferring Threat from one party member. It is often taken to easy Aggro Management at the beginning of boss fights. Useful for mechanics the other player would not survive (Hypothermia) or to protect damage dealers that took aggro (Hello Hardcore runs). Its tooltip is unfortunately so vague, that it could be considered wrong. Lets propose one that describes it better:
Knights Valor
Cover the nearest party member, intercepting every second all pre mitigated damage from the target up to your current amount of Hit Points. The damage you receive is the post mitigated damage that the covered target would take given as unavoidable, deflectable piercing damage. If the damage over the Hit Points limit would still kill your covered target, no damage is transferred to you.
Added Effect: All Threat generated by the covered target is transferred to you. The transferred Threat is not further increased by any threat multiplier. The covered player does not gain any threat while linked.
Bug: Any blocked damage (e.g. by guarding) is transferred to you as piercing damage ignoring the limit. It can effectively kill you! The guard meter is still reduced by that amount, thus meaning that the damage is inflicted twice!
Let's take a look at an example calculation of Knight’s Valor for gaining a better understanding!
Here the picture of the bug report for those who are interested in all details:
Encounter Power Discussion
In the trash mob fights the best choice of Encounter Powers is a combination of Enforced Threat (feated or unfeated), Bull Charge (+ Feat) and either Linebreaker, Iron Warrior or Knight’s Valor. When Shieldthrower is taken, then you may use Shield Throw to aggro some mobs without gap closing (drag them where You stand) and most importantly to not switch another encounter between boss and trash mobs. Linebreaker may be taken to make sure one has aggro, Iron Warrior of course if mob groups are quite strong and Knight’s Valor for damage dealers that play aggressively and may take aggro.
That said there is another gear choice that completely changes aggro management in trash mob fights: The Darklake Ward Ring, Stalwartneedle Ring of Celerity or the Ring of the Condemned +5 (Aggro rings). The tank can run in small circles and aggro this way everything in close combat range. The generated aggro is so high (25 000*Threat Multipliers, at least equating 375 000 damage every half second!) that one most likely won't lose aggro against dps while the trash mobs live. This method is magnitudes easier than the first presented one and does not require any encounter powers!
In boss fights the best choice of Encounter Powers is a combination of Enforced Threat, Shield Throw (+ Feat) and either Knee Breaker, Bull Charge or Anvil of Doom for more damage, Iron Warrior or Knight’s Challenge for mitigation and sustainability or Knight’s Valor for easier aggro holding and special mechanics.
Last updated