Important Metrics
There are many possible ways to build a fighter. Not all are useful and some perform better at certain tasks than others. To compare them, a metric is needed. This guide focuses on survivability and utility. There is no good metric to describe Utility, but it is pretty straightforward which items to use for utility, thus no metric for utility is required. Therefore only survivability metrics are presented. Three survivability metrics are important ( and Rainers Tool lists the first two of them):
The first metric is the “Minimal Effective HP” metric (MEHP) which focuses on taking single, very big hits.
The second is the “Average Effective HP” metric (AEHP) which focuses on taking many, but not very strong hits.
The third metric “Average Effective HP Boss” (AEHPBoss) is a specialization of the “Average Effective HP” metric. It uses the same formula with the difference that it assumes 100% Combat Advantage uptime.
All three metrics have its use cases: “Minimal Effective HP” is a great indicator for survivability against tank busters e.g. Halasters Annihilation. “Average Effective HP” is a great indicator for survivability against large mob groups (as in the Defense of the Moodancer) and “Average Effective HP Boss” is a great indicator for survivability against fast attacking bosses (like Halbryn Darkstalker in the Temple of the Spider). Note that all three metrics ignore healing from all sources and the amount of heals required. All three metrics are presented in the following and afterwards the weaknesses of each metric are presented. Based on the metrics, a discussion about the stat priorities and Item Level demystifies some false rumors in later sections.
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