Deciding factor: Item Bonuses
There are two ways on how to fill the shirt slot:
Choose the shirt based on the shirts equip bonus or
choose a shirt with a Shirt-Trouser set bonus but with a worse item bonus (Encounter’s Reprieve, Critical Charge) on each of them
Unfortunately, none of the item and set bonuses are overwhelming except the MToS / MDWP Shirt bonus! With Mod 29 set bonus of 2% Defense, both ways are viable again!
There are currently no Shirts available that provide supportive bonuses.
There are only a few defensive bonuses on Shirts.
☆☆☆ Recommended Choice for MToS / MDWP
The new mod 25 Shirt reduces incoming damage against drow and spider. Perfect for MToS and MDWP! Pretty much useless outside of Underdark.
Source: Menzoberranzan - Heroic Encounters / Auction House
The new mod 29 Shirt. Only worthy when aiming for its set bonus. The Critical Avoidance is a nice bonus, but should be capped under Dig In without it. Still not too bad for situations without Dig In.
Source: Lair of the Mad Dragon (Master)
Viable alternative for the Ember Plated Shirt.I would still prefer the other shirt!
Source: Lair of the Mad Dragon (Master)
Lesser variant from the advanced version.
Source: Lair of the Mad Dragon (Advanced)
Lesser variant from the advanced version.
Source: Lair of the Mad Dragon (Advanced)
☆ Starter Shirt
Good for starters as long as stat caps are not in a right place yet. Should be replaced sooner or later. Might not be worth considering its cost.
Source: Fire Giant Lockdown, Mountain of Flame Campagn Store
☆ Starter Shirt
Good for starters as long as stat caps are not in a right place yet. Should be replaced sooner or later. Might not be worth considering its cost.
Source: Fire Giant Lockdown, Mountain of Flame Campagn Store
A bonus for no-healer runs. Outside of this challenge, not really great.
Source: Defense of the Moondancer (Advanced / Master)
The often occuring bonus Encounter Reprieve: Encounter Reprieve remains as the most decent occuring bonus on older shirts.
Only interesting due to the combination of Encounter Reprieve and the set bonus!
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunter Store
A hybrid bonus, as it can be used both defensive and offensive. The often occuring bonus Encounter Reprieve: Encounter Reprieve remains as one of the better bonuses on older shirts.
Only interesting due to the combination of Encounter Reprieve, the set bonus and high Item Level.
(Listed as last choice here, because the Lolth's Trousers are not recommended)
Source: Narbondellyn - Heroic Encounters / Auction House
Most Shirts have noticeable offensive bonuses.
Good item for Wildspace!
Source: The Imperial Citadel (Advanced / Master)
Good item for Boss fights without many adds!
Source: The Imperial Citadel (Advanced / Master)
☆☆ Good choice for MToS / MDWP
The new mod 25 Shirt increases damage against drow and spider. Okay for a tank in MToS / MDWP, if survivability is covered!
Source: Menzoberranzan - Heroic Encounters / Auction House
☆☆ Starter Item
Good bonus and easy to get as long as Wildspace is not yet Item Level restricted!
Bonus has no high uptime in master content where Stamina is regularly used!
Source: Light of Xaryxis Heroic Encounters / Xaryxian Invasions
☆☆ Good choice for Scaled Content
Extremely low Item Level but part of a great set bonus. Can be used in scaled content where the current Item Level exceeds the cap.
Source: Storm King's Thunder campaign store
Powerful offensive focused shirt and extremely easy and cheap to get. Good offensive choice, for scaled content.
Occult Advantage is a nice way to increase aggro management and fits well. The lost Control Resistance is in most content without many stuns fine. When stunned the lost Control Resistance is however very much noticeable.
Source: Dragonbone Vale Minibosses, Auction House
The often occuring bonus Butcher’s Zeal: When you damage or heal your target for more than 15% of your Maximum Hit Points in a single blow, you gain 1% Action Points.
Butcher’s Zeal is barely triggered by the Encounter Powers' damage and is thus not great for tanks.
The bonus is exemplary shown here on a Northdark item.
Source: Northdark - Heroic Encounters / Auction House
★ Bad choice
A potentially great, but in the end not so great choice: The Vale Tunic. Its potential 5% boost to damage is great, however as a tank not feasible. While the bonus can be kept up, it comes at cost:
To keep the bonus up, one has to break once every 4-5 seconds their attacks and move, which potentially comes at a loss of dps
It takes a significant amount of attention for a pretty small amount of gained dps (in comparison to other shirts)
It is counter productive to Halasters Set and the Diamond Set
Tank Busters have a high chance to break the bonus, because using Dig In and recovering from prunes have precedence!
Overall, it is not recommended to use this shirt!
Source: Dragonbone Vale campaign reward
Last updated