Deciding factor: Item Bonuses
The Rugged Sabatons of the Dragon Hunter remains - next to the Astral Raider's Greaves for scaled content, and the MToS Boots for MToS - pretty much unchallenged.
(+its Blessed version) Reliable 5% defense bonus with an additional buff to teammates. Can be used when reliability is more important than risky bonuses.
Source: Avernus Hunts - Tier 2 Living Hellfire
The Rugged Sabatons of the Dragon Hunter are still one of best pieces you can get!
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
Low chance for high gain. 20% HP is multiplied with several other HP Multipliers again thus it is rather like ~25% more survivability (see the Hit Points Formula in the Appendix). Works well on content with many mobs or fast attacks. Not so great on slow hitting bosses. Note: You can be ‘struck critically’ by healing powers and trigger the bonus. With knowledgeable healers that put out many small heals before tank busters can help to make this item kind of okay in all content.
Increases the damage of Manticores Bite from Rings by the stated 20% of Maximal Hit Points.
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
Old Alternative: Wisps of the Shadow Demon (+its Blessed version)
Source: Avernus Hunts - Tier 1 Shadow Demon Sgail
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice (for scaled content only)
Extremely weird item because it counters scaling! What did the devs even thought?!?
Up to 20% Damage Resistance!
Source: Light of Xaryxis Campaign Store / Invasions
A similar bonus as the Rugged Sabatons. Hybrid bonus, when survivability is less of an issue. Note: You can be ‘struck critically’ by healing powers and trigger the bonus.
Not recommended.
Source: Vault of Stars hardcore Miniboss drops
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
The best option for MToS. A stable bonus of 5000 Power, +6% Damage, -6% incoming damage and 6% healing (4500, 5%,5%,5% for Dark). Its tooltip sounds like only one bonus is given depending on the role, however all bonuses are given regardless! Thus, a massive increase to threat and survivability. Note that the 6% Total healing is added to the Outgoing Healing multiplier and it goes over the cap of 90%. This is usual behavior for the Outgoing Healing stat!
Source: Master Temple of Spider / Northdark
Campaign Store
Source for Exalted: Menzoberranzan Campaign Store
Hard to get and still not recommended.
Source: Demonweb Pits Campaign Store
☆ Starter Item
Inferior choice to the Rugged Sabatons in most cases. Its stable 10000 Deflection bonus attracts tanks that want to see high numbers when opening the character sheet. However, due to its dependance on rng – as the other great options – but its lower effectiveness, it should be always considered the inferior option.
Easy and cheap to get! Good starter item!
Source: Seal Store (Seals of the Dragon - Random Queues)
The next table is only here, because I already have it. It might give some insight, but all choices it includes shouldn't be used!
Hard to get and not even that great. Not recommended. Unreliable bonus!
Source: The Lair of the Mad Dragon (Master)
Lesser version of the Enchanted Depthforged Greaves. Also not great!
Source: The Lair of the Mad Dragon (Advanced)
Hard to get and not even that great. Not recommended.
Source: The Demonweb Pits (Master) - Second Boss
Not much stats given because of it giving no bonus when at full health. Which should be the default with a healer. Not recommended.
Source: The Infernal Citadel (Master)
☆ Starter Item The cheaper version of the Herald boots. Because of the absence of the team buff, this item shall be only used if the Boots of the Herald are out of reach.
Source: Vault of Stars hardcore Miniboss drops
Okayish bonus for the barrier meta from an easy to finish trial. Not good on trash mobs without timing Cleave!
Source: Defense of the Moondancer (Advanced)
☆ Starter Item
Decent Item for a starting character. Not recommended any longer due to the campaign being IL locked and for its price!
Source: Demonweb Pits Campaign Store
☆ Starter Item
New tank starter gear with the option to wear a bit longer. Not recommended any longer due to the campaign being IL locked and for its price!
Source: Menzoberranzan Campaign Store
Okish Mod 23 starter gear. Not worth it in my eyes.
Source: Dragon Hunt Store / Juma
Too less IL for unscaled content and not needed for scaled content. Apart from its -15% speed bonus.
Source: Barovia Hunts - Tier 2 Puppet
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
The best option for MToS. A stable bonus of 5000 Power, +6% Damage, -6% incoming damage and 6% healing (4500, 5%,5%,5% for Dark). Its tooltip sounds like only one bonus is given depending on the role, however all bonuses are given regardless! Thus, a massive increase to threat and survivability. Note that the 6% Total healing is added to the Outgoing Healing multiplier and it goes over the cap of 90%. This is usual behavior for the Outgoing Healing stat!
Source: Master Temple of Spider / Northdark
Campaign Store
Source for Exalted: Menzoberranzan Campaign Store
☆ Starter Item
Mod 25 Starter Gear. 10000 CA in group content. Nice boost to threat.
Source: Seal Store (Seals of the North - Random Queues)
☆ Starter Item
Mod 27 Starter Gear. 7 800 CA. Nice boost to threat.
Source: Seal Store (Seals of the Spider God - Random Queues)
Offensive alternatives.
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
★ Bad choice
Trap gear: Deals too little damage to be useful. The same is true for the “Summoner” gear like Boots of the Alpha.
Source: Seal Store (Seals of the Spider God - Random Queues)
★ Bad choice
Just No.
Source: Juma Bags, etc
Last updated