Minimal Effective HP (MEHP)

ā€œEffective HP is an the amount of damage a player can take, or in other words how much damage the enemy needs to deal for the player to inspect the floor from really closeā€


The Minimal Effective HP metric describes the worst case scenario: The enemy has all its luck and does a critical strike, while also having combat advantage. On the unlucky side, you have no unreliable bonus triggered and failed to deflect the hit. Nonetheless, reliable sources like the Awareness of ā€œDig Inā€ and full stamina shielding are calculated.

Then the Minimal Effective HP is calculated by:

MEHP=(TotalHitPoints+TemporaryHP+BarrierHP+DigInShield)                āˆ— (1+Defense)                / (1+CombatAdvantageEnemyāˆ’Awareness)                / (1+CriticalSeverityEnemyāˆ’CriticalAvoidance)                āˆ— 1/(āˆMitigationMultiplier)MEHP =(Total Hit Points +Temporary HP + Barrier HP + Dig In Shield )\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~(1+Defense)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~(1+Combat Advantage_{Enemy} - Awareness)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~(1 + Critical Severity_{Enemy}-Critical Avoidance)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~1/(\prod Mitigation Multiplier)


  • Temporary Hitpoints are shown in a yellow bar over the Hitpoints.

  • The blue bar on top of the HP and the Temporary Hitpoints is the Barrier HP.

  • The Mitigation Multipliers are bonis that are written along the line "You take -5% Damage from all sources".

Example: The Tank has 1 000 000 HP including all bonuses from VIP, food, gear, etc. The Tank uses Dig In and Iron Warrior (20% Mitigation). The Defense and Awareness stats are capped (90%) and the Crit Avoidance stat is 80%. Then the MEHP is:

MEHP=(1 000 000+0+0+600 000)                āˆ— (1+0.9)                / (1+0.9āˆ’0.9)                / (1+0.9āˆ’0.8)                āˆ— 1/(0.8)                =3 454 545MEHP =(1~000~000+0+0+600~000 )\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~(1+0.9)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~(1+0.9-0.9)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~(1+0.9-0.8)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~1/(0.8)\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = 3~454~545

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