Mount Combat Power
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The Mount Combat Powers can be categorized into three categories:
Damage Mitigation Combat Powers debuff the enemy or provide starts or shields (both to increase survivability)
Damage increasing Combat Powers debuff the enemy and increase its damage taken (also called Resistance Debuff Combat Powers) or increase the stats of allies
Raw damage and self buffs
Each of the categories have its use: The Damage Mitigation Combat Powers to survive mechanics, the Damage increasing Combat Powers for increasing the damage of the group or raid and finally the raw damage to better hold aggro against strong damage dealers in uncoordinated groups. Note that when everyone takes debuffs to increase the damage of the group instead of only increasing their own damage, then the whole group will do more damage. Thus as Combat Power, Tanks shall tend to use a Damage increasing Combat Power as default and only switch to one of the other ones when needed. The most flexible Combat Powers are Bat Swarm, Eclipsed Armed and Grand Inspiration (or Magnificent Inspiration).
The following tables shows the viable Combat Powers in each category at mythic and at 100% Bolster. Note that in general Damage Mitigation Combat Powers stack with itself and Damage increasing Combat Powers don’t stack with itself.
For trash mobs, all of the typical debuff or damage mounts can be used. However, it is also possible to use a mount combat power that pulls all the mobs together!
Shield: 30% (Group)
Buff: +6% damage for 12 second (Group wide)
Not great or a no go if a pally healer is around.
Source: Swift Golden Lion, Celestial Lion
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage
Enemy Debuff: +15% incoming damage (Single Target (ST), instance wide)
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (ST, instance)
Enemy Debuff: -15% crit chance (ST, instance)
Damage mitigation debuff stacks.
Resistance debuff does not stack.
Debuffs are instance wide.
Source: Swarm
Alli Buff: Up to +30% Power, +30% Critical Severity, 15% Defense and 15% Awareness. Buff is only provided to allies in range. Moving in/out starts/stops the stat stacking.
Damage: hits for 75 Magnitude 11 times (Multiple Targets, Damage snapshots at cast time, including if it crits) (tooltip says 115, but that is wrong.)
Boost: Magical Damage Boost.
Bug: Instead of using the Critical Avoidance of the target, it does take the Critical Avoidance of the caster.
Source: Deadly Driderform
Enemy Debuff: +15% incoming damage (AoE)
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (AoE)
Damage: 600 Magnitude (Multiple Targets)
Damage profits from Debuff!
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Debuffs are instance wide. (last time written here)
Source: Eclipse Lion
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (AoE)
Damage: 800 Magnitude (Multiple Targets)
Source: Armored Bulette
Shield: 20% (Allies)
Buff: +45% Movement Speed / CC Immunity (Allies)
Source: Space Hamster
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage, 15% Critical Strike, 15% Accuracy
Enemy Debuff: -15% Critical Avoidance, -15% outgoing damage (ST, instance)
TODO: Critical Avoidance debuff does not stack?
Debuffs are instance wide.
Source: Red Dragon (Jubilee)
Self Buff: +6% Maximum Hit Points (gets added to the Boons multiplier)
Not great
Source: Barded Neverwintan Lion - Echos of Prophecy Battle Pass
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (AoE)
Self Buff: +3 CHA / INT / WIS
Source: Armored Griffon, Feywild Griffon
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage
Enemy Debuff: -15% deflect (ST)
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing dmg (ST)
Enemy Debuff: -13% crit chance (ST)
Swarm copy, but a bit less great.
TODO: 12.5% or 13%? Incoming damage mitigation debuff stacks?,
Source: Rimefire Salamander, Frozen Salamander
Priority and Notes:
If all of the Damage Mitigation Combat Powers are available, then the priority order would be Bat Swarm > Eclipsed Armament > Mighty Dragon's Roar > Rimefire Retribution > Hamstphere (only without a shielding healer) > Ferocious Roar > Piercing Screech / Resonating Screech > Neverwinter Armament.
In a normal dungeon with 5 people Aureal Armament is a valid option over all of them (if pally is available then this is a no go).
The Deadly Driderform and Hamstphere are also special, because it does not require the availability of an enemy! Thus it can be situational BiS for survivability (RC - LoMM Trobriands blast for example).
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage
Enemy Debuff: +15% incoming damage (Single Target (ST), instance wide)
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (ST, instance)
Enemy Debuff: -15% crit chance (ST, instance)
Damage mitigation debuff stacks.
Resistance debuff does not stack.
Debuffs are instance wide.
Source: Swarm
Cauldron Fumes /
Buff: +15% Accuracy and Combat Advantage for everyone standing in the circle (instance).
Damage: hits for 100 Magnitude 9 times (Multiple Targets) (tooltip says 115, but that is wrong.)
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Bug: Instead of using the Critical Avoidance of the target, it does take the Critical Avoidance of the caster.
Not too bad in a static fight. Can be used in raids when debuffs already go high. May stack.
Source: Hag’s Cooking Cauldron, Hag’s Hexing Cauldron
Enemy Debuff: +15% incoming damage Multiple Targets (AoE)
Minion Consume can be used to eat souls in Tomb of the Nine Gods.
Same and different T Rex’em do not stack!
Alli Buff: Up to +30% Power, +30% Critical Severity, 15% Defense and 15% Awareness. Buff is only provided to allies in range. Moving in/out starts/stops the stat stacking.
Damage: hits for 75 Magnitude 11 times (Multiple Targets, Damage snapshots at cast time, including if it crits) (tooltip says 115, but that is wrong.)
Boost: Magical Damage Boost.
Bug: Instead of using the Critical Avoidance of the target, it does take the Critical Avoidance of the caster.
Source: Deadly Driderform
Enemy Debuff: +15% incoming damage (AoE)
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (AoE)
Damage: 600 Magnitude (Multiple Targets)
Damage profits from Debuff!
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Debuffs are instance wide. (last time written here)
Source: Eclipse Lion
Grand Inspiration /
When cast, the pegasus runs to the position the target currently is and reaches it after ~3s. After the target spot is reached it buffs allies and deals damage to multiple mobs in a range of 30’. Outside the range, no damage nor any buffs are applied. (If the target moves out of place between activation of the combat power and the application 3s later it may miss its target!)
Damage: 1000 Magnitude
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Its 15% Damage Boost it provides is not applied on its damage.
Maximum of 14 targets (+ yourself).
Buff: Grants a buff based on their role:
15% Damage buff for damage dealers,
15% Damage Resistance buff for tanks or
15% Outgoing Healing (stat) buff for healers.
Pegasus Powers do not stack anymore. Neither Grand Inspiration with Magnificent Inspiration nor at different qualities!
Damage: 400 magnitude
Magma pool DoT: 460 total magnitude
Magma pool enemy debuff: +15% incoming damage
Enemy Debuff: +7.5% incoming damage (AoE)
Buff: Increases random stat by 1.5% when picked up
Damage: hits for 111.1111 Magnitude 10 times (Multiple Targets, Damage snapshots at cast time, including if it crits) (tooltip says 800, but that is wrong.)
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Bug: Instead of using the Critical Avoidance of the target, it does take the Critical Avoidance of the caster.
TODO: Does not stack with other balloons?
Source: Legendary Reconnaissance Balloons, Marvelous Reconnaissance Balloons
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage, 15% Critical Strike, 15% Accuracy
Enemy Debuff: -15% Critical Avoidance, -15% outgoing damage (ST, instance)
TODO: Critical Avoidance debuff does not stack?
Debuffs are instance wide.
Source: Red Dragon (Jubilee)
Useful for getting Combat Advantage when no scorpion or similar companion is around. Else pretty much useless.
Damage: hits for 57.5 + 4x 53 Magnitude = 269.5 Magnitude (Multiple Targets, Damage snapshots at cast time, including if it crits)
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Bug: The CA multiplier is applied twice
Source: Umber Hulk
Priority and Notes:
If none of the Damage Increasing Combat Powers are available, then the priority order would be Bat Swarm > Eclipsed Armament = Hot Streak = Magnificent Inspiration / Grand Inspiration > Any T Rex’em = Mighty Dragon's Roar > Cauldron Fumes / Cauldron Gases = Legendary Balloon Bombardement / Marvelous Balloons Bombardement.
The Deadly Driderform depends on the stats of the allies. In general, its gain is not too big, unless people build around it.
Sand Coffin is not really useful, because Scorpion invalides it.
Damage: 2400 Magnitude (Single Target)
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage
Self Buff: -15% incoming damage
Bug: The incoming damage is calculated by /1.15 instead of the typical *0.85 multiplier!
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
Upgrade to Vecna. Fast animation and alternative to Bigby's Hand for Physical Damage Dealers.
Source: Zodar
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage
Enemy Debuff: +15% incoming damage (Single Target (ST), instance wide)
Enemy Debuff: -15% outgoing damage (ST, instance)
Enemy Debuff: -15% crit chance (ST, instance)
Damage mitigation debuff stacks.
Resistance debuff does not stack.
Debuffs are instance wide.
Source: Swarm
Damage: 3795 Magnitude (Single Target) over 10 seconds. If the initial hit crits, then all subsequent whirls crit.
Bug: It hits 11x not 10x for 345 Magnitude!
Boost: Magical Damage Boost.
Damage: 2550 Magnitude + 450 on Control immune targets (Single Target)
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
The animation and damage is done by yourself. Thus your rotation is interrupted and Combat Advantage depends on your position.
Damage: 3000 Magnitude (Single Target)
Boost: Magical Damage Boost.
Minion Consume can be used to eat souls in ToNG.
It summons a Toad that attacks after a short animation. Thus the damage is delayed. The toad appears often from a position with Combat Advantage. No animation is played for the player and one can attack without an interruption!
Damage: 3000 Magnitude (Single Target)
Boost: Magical Damage Boost.
The animation and damage is done by yourself. Thus your rotation is interrupted and Combat Advantage depends on your position. Has a faster animation than Tunnel Vision.
Source: Golden Warhorse - Account
Self Buff: +15% outgoing damage, 15% Critical Strike, 15% Accuracy
Enemy Debuff: -15% Critical Avoidance, -15% outgoing damage (ST, instance)
TODO: Critical Avoidance debuff does not stack?
Debuffs are instance wide.
Source: Red Dragon (Jubilee)
Damage: 3000 Magnitude (Single Target)
Boost: Magical Damage Boost.
The animation and damage is done by yourself. Thus your rotation is interrupted and Combat Advantage depends on your position.
Source: Many Horses and other mounts
Damage: 2400 Magnitude (Single Target)
Boost: Physical Damage Boost.
The once extremely broken mount. Now fixed and only an alternative to physical damage dealing classes. Fast animation. Source: Slab of Vecna
Priority and Notes:
For Physical Damage Dealers: Bigby's Crushing Hand / Actions Speak Louder > Wicked Lich
For Magical Damage Dealers: Golden Touch > Toad > Tunnel Vision
Bat Swarm, Mighty Dragon's Roar and Dragonbone Whirl are mounts for special circumstances for Damage Dealers.
An optimal raid wants to have:
For supporters:
1x Bat Swarm
1x Eclipsed Armament
1x T-Rex (any form)
1x Magnificent Inspiration / Grand Inspiration (If 4th Spot open)
or a few Damage Mitigation Combat Powers based on the need (more Bat Swarms or other ones or even Wyvern Knives Artifacts)
the damage dealers shall take any damage dealing mounts.
Resonating Screech
Rimefire Retribution /
Commander / Warpainted /
Legendary Balloon Bombardement /