Companion Powers
There are 5 slots to fill:
1 Offense Power Slot,
1 Defense Power Slot,
1 Utility Power Slot and
2 slots taking any type of Power.
The Power Slots provide one of the few ways to increase important stats by percentages. As this guide focuses on survivability mostly full defensive powers are recommended and mentioned here. Obviously when you want to take offensive stats for better aggro management, you should ignore the table. For each type of Power Slot, a list of potentially useful powers at mythic quality is shown. Their 750 Combined Rating at mythic are not listed for the succinctness of this section. Clear recommendations next to the Lich (which is undoubtedly Best in Slot for all defensive builds) are not provided, because the choice of powers depends on the stat distribution and the rest of the Gear. Worth noting is that Hit Points is for scaled content one of the best choices to increase survivability and thus not to neglect. Deflect and Deflect Severity are special too, because they are only interesting for Augment builds. They got their own table for the defensive slots to provide a better succinctness of this section!
Offense Power Slot
The best option is the Golden Deep Crow Egg for non raptor parties. The egg is out of reach for most players, thus one may take any of the others. If one decides to completely neglect Deflect, then offense alternatives - especially the Batiri - are worth considering.
Batiri’s Wisdom
11.25% damage versus Bosses (50% more than the usual 7.5%)
Blinkdog’s Presence
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Cunning Mimic
+3.75% Forte, +3.75% Awareness (for tanks)
Feral Raptor’s Instincts
+3.75% Awareness for each Raptor in the group. Awesome to buff some allies that run Feral Raptor or Tamed Velociraptor!
Golden Deep Crow Egg
+7.5% Awareness
Golden Goat
+7.5% Forte
Raptor’s Instincts
+3.75% Power for each Raptor in the group. This companion is mandatory in many endgame groups. Due to more and mor % Stat sources, some endgame groups are already moving to + additional Magnitude companions. Nonetheless, meta is changing slowly and thus Raptor will stay good for a while!
Winter Wolf’s Instinct
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Defense Power Slot
Two tables are shown here: One for No-Deflect builds and one for Deflect focused builds (not recommended).
+ 3.75% Movement Speed + 3.75% Stamina Regeneration (This bonus is quite bad when stats are not yet capped. Can be used for no-heals runs, but otherwise not recommendable).
Bard’s Discipline
+3.75% Awareness, +15 000 HP
Boney Wisdom
+3.75% Defense, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Bruenor’s Bulwark
+3.75% Defense, +3.75% Awareness. This companion is part of the companions of the Hall. Taking more companions of the Hall will increase its bonus by 25%! Worth to consider when taking other ones or offensive powers.
Cleric’s Wisdom
+3.75% Defense, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Deceptive Insight
+3.75% Defense, +3.75% Awareness
Divine Insight
+3.75% Critical Avoidance, +15 000 HP
Duergar Guard’s Discipline
+7.5% Critical Avoidance.
Flumph's Inspiration
+7.5% Stamina Regeneration (This bonus is quite bad when stats are not yet capped. Can be used for no-heals runs, but otherwise not recommendable).
Golden Deep Crow Egg
+7.5% Awareness
Golden Goat
+7.5% Forte
Iron Golem’s Presence
+3.75% Defense, +15000 HP
Moonshae Druid’s Wisdom
+3.75% Critical Avoidance, +15 000 HP
Myconid’s Presence
+3.75% Awareness, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Owl’s Instincts
+3.75% Awareness, +15 000 HP
Skeleton Dog’s Instincts
+3.75% Critical Avoidance, +15 000 HP
Slime’s Insight
+7.5% Defense (not recommended as it is getting harder to get the other stats capped)
Undying Overload
Reduce incoming damage by 7.5%. Undoubtedly Best in Slot!
Wardog’s Instincts
+3.75% Defense, +3.75% Awareness
Cat’s Instincts
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Defense
Dragonborn’s Brawler’s Discipline
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Awareness
Dwarf Pickman’s Discipline
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Goat’s Instincts
+3.75% Deflect, +15 000 HP
Makos’ Wisdom
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Defense
Regis’s Reflexes
+3.75% Deflect Chance, +3.75% Deflect Severity. This companion is part of the companions of the Hall. Taking more companions of the Hall will increase its bonus by 25%! Worth to consider when taking other ones or offensive powers.
Sehanine’s Wisdom
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Awareness
Winter Wolf’s Instincts
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Critical Avoidance
Utility Power Slot
Bard’s Discipline
+3.75% Awareness, +15 000 HP
Cat’s Instincts
+3.75% Deflect, +3.75% Defense
Flumph's Inspiration
+7.5% Stamina Regeneration (This bonus is quite bad when stats are not yet capped. Can be used for no-heals runs, but otherwise not recommendable).
Golden Deep Crow Egg
+7.5% Awareness
Golden Goat
+7.5% Forte
Iron Golem’s Presence
+3.75% Defense, +15 000 HP
Moonshae Druid’s Wisdom
+3.75% Critical Avoidance, +15 000 HP
Owl’s Instincts
+3.75% Awareness, +15 000 HP
Phasespider’s Instincts
+2.5% Incoming Healing, +2.5% Critical Avoidance, +2.5% Movement Speed. This effect is doubled in Underdark.
Shadow Demon’s Presence
Maximizes Deflection Severity once every 30s. Situationally useful power to take out some peaks in slow boss fights.
Watler’s Instincts
+7.5% Deflect. Only listed for deflect oriented builds. Most probably not needed.
Xegyi’s Insight
+30 000 HP. A cheap starter companion and only good for scaled content!
Last updated