The insignia category (Barbed, Crescent, Enlightened, Illuminated, Regal) shall be chosen based on the insignia bonuses. The Insignias are there to slightly change the stat distribution into a more favorable way. Or in other words to fine tune the stat distribution. The following table shows viable insignia types. The bonus is given for mythic insignias. The brackets show the available categories for the type of insignia.
500 IL. 400 Combined Rating, 750 Critical Avoidance, 750 Deflection. Deflect Chance is only recommended to raise when going the deflect - defensive route with an Augment Companion.
(Crescent, Enlightened, Regal)
500 IL. 400 Combined Rating, 750 Defense, 750 Critical Avoidance. One of the best defensive options!
(Barbed, Illuminated, Regal)
500 IL. 400 Combined Rating, 750 Power, 750 Forte. Great way to increase offensive capabilities and some defense %. Can be used for defensive purposes if Defense, Awareness and Critical Avoidance stat points are capped in their ratings (50%).
(Barbed, Crescent, Regal)
500 IL. 400 Combined Rating, 750 Awareness, 750 Deflection. Deflect Chance is only recommended to raise when going the deflect - defensive route with an Augment Companion.
(Barbed, Crescent, Enlightened, Illuminated, Regal)
500 IL. 400 Combined Rating, 3000 HP, 750 Defense. Great way to increase Defense and Hitpoints. The starter way to go.
(Barbed, Crescent, Enlightened, Illuminated, Regal)
500 IL. 400 Combined Rating, 3000 HP, 750 Combat Advantage. The second way to go offensive. Shall only be used if survivability does not matter and Power is higher than Combat Advantage.
For scaled content (and thus for beginners) Fortitude beats them all in survivability. Thus, the best way to start is using Fortitude in all slots and then fine tune with switching out Fortitude for Defensive and Offensive insignias based on the needs.
Mod 25 introduced Mounts with four Insignias. The fourth slot has a preferred category of insignia. When one insignia of the preferred category is used, then the insignia will give 20% more Item Level and stats!
Last updated