Neck - Waist - Artifact Set
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Deciding factor: Item Bonuses
The usual recommendation is to go with a debuff set (like Vistani) unless it is a training run or when mechanics make debuffs less desirable (MDoM Tankbuster and high risk of wipes for example).
All other sets not listed here (especially those that are only active after the use of a daily) have no real circumstances in the game that justify their use. The rune with the -5% incoming damage can be used to reduce the damage on damage dealers, however switching an artifact or the healer casting other powers solve this problem better.
Vistani is typically the go to debuff set unless it is covered by someone else.
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
An awesome set for increasing the damage output of the whole group. The At-Will ‘Cleave’ can be used to apply the debuff and refresh it. When applied a notification is given, but not when refreshed. It however decreases the threat potential by not taking a better At-Will and reduces survivability by giving bad stats. I frequently use it.
Bug: It currently does not trigger from Enforced Threat or Retaliate. Cleave, Linebreaker, Shield Slam, Earthshaker and some bonuses (like the bonus from equipping two Eilistraee’s rings) still trigger it.
Source: Ravenloft campaign, Auction House
Another old set, and again for increasing the damage output of the whole group. It does not need the use of any specific At-Will. It is harder to kepp all 5 Stacks managed, thus not really recommended for Fighters.
Source: Ravenloft campaign, Auction House
An old set helping with survivability of the team when the enemy is targetable. Useful against often ticking shared damage mechanics in boss fights like during “Heat Waves” in Tower of the Mad Mage. Otherwise the game does not have many situations where the set glances. Take it only if there is no other possibility to increase survivability (bad group or ToMM / ZCM Cape runs maybe).
Source: Assault on Svardborg and any dungeon end chest, Auction House
There are 6 defensive options: Tiamat Set, Diamond Set, Detector Set, Dragonscale Set, Coagulated Magma (Starter Set) and Tentacle Set (Starter Set).
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
The Draconic Resilience (Tiamat) Set. Set for survivability against heavy and frequently attacking enemies. This is usually the case in the newer content. Both bonuses - 8% Critical Avoidance, -8% incoming damage - are only given when stamina drops below 15%. The bonus can be timed, if the enemies hit strong enough. Otherwise, the bonus is in most situations not available.
Great: Defense of the Moondancer, Gzemnid’s Reliquary, MDemo, MTiamat, any other content with frequently heavy hitting enemies
Good: The Imperial Citadel, MDWP, MToS first boss, Crown of Keldegonn, ZCM
Bad: ToMM
Source: Rise of Tiamat (Master) end chest, Auction House
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice (for non moving boss fights)
The Diamond Set. Still the best set for survivability if no movement is required. Recommended for content like Tower of the Mad Mage or some of the Reaper Challenges (LoMM - Boreworm for example). The 5% Awareness and -5% incoming damage after 3s staying on one spot makes it a great counter for most slow telegraphed tank busters. It’s lower Item Level makes it a bad take for content where movement is required.
Great: Defense of the Moondancer, ToMM, ZCM, some Reaper’s Challenges
Good: The Imperial Citadel, MDWP, MToS first boss, MDemo, Crown of Keldegonn, VoS first and second boss
Bad: Gzemnid’s Reliquary, MTiamat, VoS last boss, IC second and third Boss
Source: Vault of Stars end chest, Auction House
A great hybrid set given the potential stat source: 7% Combat Advantage, 7% Forte and 7% Incoming Healing. However, unlike other classes, either animation cancelling or timed use of the Encounter Powers must be done to keep stacks at 7. Knight's Valor only triggers it once! From my point of view, it is not worth the efforts to keep the stacks up. The -8% incoming Damage from the Tiamat Set would beat the bonus anyway if really required.
Source: Defense of the Moondancer (Advanced, Master)
An alternative to the Detector Set.
The Vanguards Alacity (Dragonscale) Set. A new mod 23 set for survivability. The bonus can be kept up permanently, when encounter powers are animation canceled or rebuilt by casting and canceling three times the same encounter power. The bonus could also be kept permanently up with Shield Throw + Shieldthrower feat and heavy investments on Recharge Speed (40%+). However, in general, these stats are not reached. In both cases, it requires quite a bit of brain focus to play along! For any normal build and player the bonus would fall off and on all time with only a good uptime of 1 stack. The Tiamat set is thus recommended for the normal player.
Given its 9 CON it is still an awesome content independent set.
In any case, for survivability, I would recommend both sets (Dragonscale, Detector) only as a second choice. If no survivability is required, then a supporter set should be taken!
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
☆ Starter Set
2% Power / Forte / Defense. Similar to the Tentacle Set! Do not use it in endgame!
Source: MToS, Auction House
☆ Starter Set
(I see this set still way too often in endgame, thus I spare myself showing the image of the set. Enter “Tentacle” in the Auction House to find it)
The Tentacle set from MToS can be used as an alternative for the casual player: With 1800 IL, 3% Defense, 9 CON and a negligible 100 Magnitude attack (scales with Power, CA, … and the Magical Power Boost), it performs - without heavy use of animation canceling - similar to the Dragon Scale set.
In any case, for survivability, I would recommend both sets (Dragonscale, Tentacle) only as a second choice. If no survivability is required, then a supporter set should be taken!
Source: Mountain of Flame Heroic Encounters, Auction House
3 sets are still worth discussing as offensive sets and for generating aggro. All of them are not recommended, because the Detector Set provides more Stats offensive and defensive.
Provides +100% threat (on top of the 1500% base threat). If no other threat bonuses are used then it provides ~6.66% more threat. However, often Tide of Iron and / or feated Enforced Threat is used. Then it is less than 4% more threat. That is not so much!
Source: Lair of the Mad Dragon (Advanced / Master)
☆ Not recommended
The Mythallar Set. Due to its easy access by only needing to finish the Dragonbone Vale Campaign. When reading its tooltip it seems quite overpowered, however keep in mind that:
its 100 Magnitude damage is not buffed by any source (Power, Combat Advantage, Physical Damage Boost, …), thus its pre-mitigated damage equals the Damage stat on the character sheet.
It is further reduced by enemies Defense and Deflect stats. The Deflect stat is actually countered by the player's Accuracy stat. Thus it is not completely stat independent.
It however does not have any cool down, which makes the damage nonetheless great.
Due to its (mostly) stat independence, this set shines in comparison to the other offensive set, when the offensive stats are low!
The inflicted damage is multiplied by any threat multiplier, thus it still provides significant threat amounts.
Source: Dragonbone Vale campaign reward
☆ Not recommended (A bit better for unscaled content, but there is typically no need for even more threat)
Old version of the Caldera Set.
Source: Echoes of Prophecy Battle Pass, Phase 1 - A Tear in the Weave