Special Bonus: Hit Points Formula
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The Hit Points formula is quite complex. The exact formula for Vanguard Fighters is given via the following variables:
General Variables
Tank Role Bonus = 1.2
Base HP = (Item Level*10+1)*Tank Role Bonus
Gear HP= Sum of every HP source on gear (Armor Kits, HP Enchantments, SH Boons, Potions, Weapon Offstat, Artifacts, Insignias, Companion Powers, Runestones, Journal Set Bonus)
Multipliers (TODO: What is with Lulu the Hollyphant?)
HPM1.1 (HP Multiplier 1 Version 1) = (100 + Boons% + Bulwark of Brimstone (5%) + Second
Wind (20%) * Neverwinter Armament (6%)) / 100
HPM1.2 (HP Multiplier 1 Version 2) = (100 + Boons% + Bulwark of Brimstone (5%)) / 100
HPM2 (HP Multiplier 2) = (100 + CON/2 + VIP) / 100
Ghosted (Wisps of the Shadow Demon) = (1+0.2*HPM1.2*HPM2)
HP formula
HP = (Base HP + Gear HP)*HPM1.1*HPM2*Ghosted
Example Values:
Item Level = 53358
Second Wind used
Neverwinter Armament used
Ghosted procced
Bulwark of Brimstone slotted (5%)
HP from Gear = 82479
20 Boons for total 4%
30 CON
VIP Bonus 1%
General Variables
Base HP = (53358*10+1)*1.2 = 640297.2
Gear HP = 82479
HPM1.1 = (100 + 4 + 5 + 20 + 6) / 100 = 1.35
HPM1.2 = (100 + 4 + 5) / 100 = 1.09
HPM2= (100 + 30/2 + 1) / 100 = 1.16
Ghosted = (1+0.2*1.09*1.16) = 1.25288
HP formula
HP = (640297.2 + 82479)*1.35*1.16*1.25288 = 1 418 094.19