Companion Equipment
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Last updated
The companion gear's biggest use is to raise Item Level and slightly change the stat distribution into a more favorable way. Companion gear does not feature the Power stat.
This guide focuses on shifting the stat distribution to favor defensive stats: Defense, Awareness and Critical Avoidance. Mod 29 introduced only two interesting choices featuring 2200 Item Level and Defensive stats.
These are only interested if you can access Wildspace and do not want to use your Campaign currency of the Mount of Flame Campaign! Not recommended if you can directly jump to the new equipment!
These were the 5 Best in Slot choices. If you are not yet 65 000 IL use any lower companion gear you found or cheap bough in the Auction House. Do not waste time to farm lower level stuff. Sources for lower Item Level gear are:
Brought in Northdark
drops from Sharandar
Rewarded for ‘The Scaleblight Summit’ Adventure.
For beginners that can't yet access Sharandar, the undermountain companion gear from master expedition provide lower versions of those gear. Additionally undermountain companion gear has gear that only increases one stat but at a higher value. Those are of course valuable beginner items too. However, those are not recommended when Sharandar gear is available because the lost Item Level is not worth it.
The old guide featured a table with alternative gear. I have it already so it is cheap to just add it here. Ignore it if you have unlocked Wildspace! For a better overview, colors have been used:
Green for high Item Level pieces, that are second choice
White for every defensive oriented piece (Defense, Awareness, Critical Avoidance)
Orange for every Deflect oriented piece
Blue for every hybrid oriented piece
Scintillating Diamond Belt of the Companion
1600 IL, 1440 CR, 2400 Awareness
Brilliant Diamond Belt of the Companion
1600 IL, 1440 CR, 1200 Defense, 1200 Awareness
Restored Grimoire of the Companion
1600 IL, 1440 CR, 1200 Critical Severity, 1200 Deflect Severity
Imperfect Onyx Grimoire of the Companion
1500 IL, 1350 CR, 1125 Accuracy, 1125 Deflect Severity
Tarnished Amber Necklace of the Companion
1400 IL, 1260 CR, 1050 Defense, 1050 Awareness
(Source: ‘The Scaleblight Summit’ Adventure)
Chained Grimoire of the Companion
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 Defense, 975 Awareness
Roped Grimoire of the Companion
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 Defense, 938 Awareness
Twined Grimoire of the Companion
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 Defense, 919 Awareness
Chained Icon of the Companion
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 Defense, 975 Critical Avoidance
Roped Icon of the Companion
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 Defense, 938 Critical Avoidance
Twined Icon of the Companion
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 Defense, 919 Critical Avoidance
Silver-threaded Sword Knot of the Companion
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 Awareness, 975 Critical Avoidance
Nickel-threaded Sword Knot of the Companion
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 Awareness, 938 Critical Avoidance
Pewter-threaded Sword Knot of the Companion
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 Awareness, 919 Critical Avoidance
Silver-Magic Grimoire of the Companion
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 Defense, 975 Deflection
Nickel-Magic Grimoire of the Companion
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 Defense, 938 Deflection
Pewter-Magic Grimoire of the Companion
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 Defense, 919 Deflection
The Wild Mare’s Sword Knot of the Companion +3
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 Critical Avoidance, 975 Deflection
The Wild Mare’s Sword Knot of the Companion +2
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 Critical Avoidance, 938 Deflection
The Wild Mare’s Sword Knot of the Companion +1
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 Critical Avoidance, 919 Deflection
Chained Sword Knot of the Companion
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 Awareness, 975 Deflection
Roped Sword Knot of the Companion
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 Awareness, 938 Deflection
Twined Sword Knot of the Companion
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 Awareness, 919 Deflection
Tarnished Diamond Belt of the Companion
1400 IL, 1260 CR, 1050 CA, 1050 Defense
(Source: ‘The Scaleblight Summit’ Adventure)
Imperial Diamond Belt of the Companion
1350 IL, 1215 CR, 1012 CA, 1012 Defense
Pristine Belt of the Companion
1350 IL, 1215 CR, 1012 CA, 1012 Defense
Mayestic Ruby Ring of the Companion
1300 IL, 1170 CR, 975 CA, 975 Awareness
Mayestic Garnet Ring of the Companion
1250 IL, 1125 CR, 938 CA, 938 Awareness
Mayestic Jasper Ring of the Companion
1225 IL, 1102 CR, 919 CA, 919 Awareness
Imperial Diamond Necklace of the Companion
1350 IL, 1215 CR, 1012 CA, 1012 Critical Avoidance