Threat changes
Before the Threat changes, tanks got a rough time holding aggro against strong damage dealers. Especially with broken mount powers like Vecna's Slab. The Threat changes made tanking again comfortable. However, this does not mean that tanks can now lay back! Under certain circumstances, tanks do not benefit much from the threat changes and thus lose aggro from time to time! I have especially seen Vanguards loosing aggro and witnessed this myself. Now this goes a bit against the popular opinion, so let me explain what exactly the threat changes did and then explain why this might happen:
The threat changes mainly increased the threat generated of the Powers that were not flagged as "Increased Threat" powers (so every power except Threatening Rush, Linebreaker, Retaliate and the feated Shieldthrower). This was done by increasing the tank threat multiplier from 5.5 to 15, while reducing the additional multiplier for the mentioned powers from 8 to 3. The goal was to "free" the Vanguards from requiring them to use these powers to hold aggro!
Furthermore Tide of Iron and Staying Power now significantly increase the Threat generated (each +33%)! This increases the Threat baseline on all powers given that Tide of Iron and Staying Power are used!
These two changes however had side effects. Threat generated by actions that are not the abovementioned powers were also increased! This mainly affects the following effects:
Threat rings! The Threat generated was close to tripled! This makes holding aggro on trash mobs simply by running in circles a child's play!
Manticore's Mane Bite. The damage scales off HP and now generates also close to three times the Threat!
Potions and Health Stone charges also generate now close to three times the Threat!
In reality, these three effects were the main factor, why aggro can be easily established now!
That said, how does one still lose the threat race? Well, this can happen when many of the above mentioned effect are not available:
If our power setup doesn't include Enforced Threat due to the risk of an unwanted tank swap, we can not profit from Staying Power! Or we decided to use Shield Thrower instead of Staying Power.
If we took the 'risk' to not use Tide of Iron, because the power is so clunky and slow and only holds 5s, then we also do not profit from the other big Threat buff.
If we have mostly Utility Powers slotted (Enforced Threat, Knight's Valor, Knight's Challenge, Iron Warrior), then we also do gain much from the increased threat by damage! We simply generate no increased threat by using these Encounter Powers!
If we are forced to stay in one spot, have not our daily ready and spare our healing stones for rough times (or the heals are too good and we can't use them), then we also do not gain the benefits of the aggro rings, manticore's mane bite and potions!
KV goes to the wrong target ...
Due to the mentioned 'mishaps', the Threat we generate is not significantly higher than before the Threat changes and we may loose aggro! In my experience, not having these circumstances may happen faster than expected. Now that is mostly what I liked to sketch, so I won't say much to the table below. It lists the threat generated by each power.
Threat Generation (by power)
55 * 20 = 1100
1100 / 0.5 = 2200
Brazen Slash
100 * 20 = 2000
2000 / 0.5 = 4000
Shield Bash
55 * 20 = 1100
1100 / 0.6 = 3333
Garded Strike
100 * 20 = 2000
2000 / 0.5 = 4000
Tide of Iron
120 * 20 = 2400
2400 / 1 = 2400
Threatening Rush
60 * 20 * 3 = 3600
3600 / 0.8 = 4500
Shield Slam
350 * 20 = 7000
7000 / 14 = 500
700 * 20 = 14000
14000 / 16 = 875
Bull Charge
520 * 20 = 10400
10400 / 12 ~ 866
Shield Throw
450 * 20 = 9000
9000 / 12 = 750
Shield Throw (Feated)
325 * 20 * 3 = 19500
19500 / 6 = 3250
Anvil of Doom
880 * 20 = 17600
17600 / 18 ~ 977
300 * 20 * 3 = 18000
18000 / 14 ~ 1285
1050 * 20 = 21000
500 * 20 * 3 = 30000
30000 / 10 = 3000
Last updated