Utility stats, Boosts, Hidden Stats
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There are 3 important Utility Stats
The Forte stat gets percentage wise redistributed into 3 parts: For the Vanguard Fighter 50% of the Forte stat goes into defense and 25% each in Accuracy and Critical Avoidance. Its main purpose was to give each class and path a different starting point. An increase in Forte has some advantages and disadvantages:
Advantage: It adds % to the total of other stats and does not give stat ratings. Thus it helps to get closer to the harder to achieve 40% cap on any stat.
Disadvantage: Each Point in Forte gets split quarterly into the less desired Accuracy stat. Thus one can put ‘only’ 75% to good use.
Concluded, the stat should only be increased if you can not switch Forte out for any useful % stat bonus (of equal amounts) or for any uncapped stat ratings (of equal amounts).
The Control Bonus and Control Resist formulas are unknown to me. You can’t really test them so I would rather not guess about them. In essence they expand the duration of your control powers and reduce the durations on the control powers on you. Both stats are pretty irrelevant, however you notice a loss of 25% by the new shirts.
The Incoming Healing and Outgoing Healing stats have the same behavior as Power. The more you add to them the less you get percentage wise out of them!
There are 8 Boosts listed in the characters stat sheet. Let’s take a fast look at them:
All actions generate the same amount of AP per second (base: 2.2% of the cube per second equating 22 Action Points from 1000 in the combat log). Thus if a power has a cast time of 0.5 seconds, then it generates 1.1% AP. This means that a Daily is approximately ready every ~45.5 seconds of actions performed! This time can be reduced by the Boost Action Point Gain which multiplies the generated amount by the Boost! For any given action the formula is (treat % as multipliers, e.g. 17% as 0.17!):
Base Action Points per second * Cast Time * (1 + Action Point Gain)
⇔ 22 * Cast Time * (1 + Action Point Gain)
Encounter Powers have a cooldown on their powers before they can be reused. Recharge Speed increases how quickly your Encounter Powers recharge. The formula is (treat % as multipliers, e.g. 17% as 0.17!):
Cooldown = Base Cooldown / (1+Recharge Speed)
Movement Speed increases how quickly you can run. It has no effect on the movement speed on a mount.
Stamina Regeneration increases the rate at which your stamina or guard meter refills. It only works on the standard Stamina Regeneration when the guard is lowered. It does not affect gained Stamina via other sources, like ‘Dig In’, ‘Brazen Slash’, etc. The formula is (treat % as multipliers, e.g. 17% as 0.17!):
Stamina refilled each 0.1s = 0.5 * (1+Stamina Regeneration)
The guard meter regeneration rate at 0% Stamina Regeneration is ~0.5 Stamina (of 100~100%) every 0.1 seconds. Thus the guard meter takes 20s to refill. At 50% Stamina Regeneration (0.75 Stamina per 0.1s) would take ~13.33 seconds to refill the whole guard meter.
Magical Damage Boost increases the ‘magic’ labeled attacks by its own multiplier in the damage formula. The Fighter does have 1 attack that is mislabeled as ‘magic’: Tide of Iron. Otherwise all attacks of the Fighter are labeled as ‘physical’. The Band of Air and the Ring of Darkness are affected by the Magical Damage Boost though. Example: An attack that would deal 1000 damage at 0% Magical Damage Boost would be increased to 1100 damage if the toon would have 10% Magical Damage Boost.
Physical Damage Boost increases the ‘physical’ labeled attacks by its own multiplier in the damage formula. All attacks of the Fighter (except Tide of Iron) are labeled as ‘physical’. Example: An attack that would deal 1000 damage at 0% Physical Damage Boost would be increased to 1100 damage if the toon would have 10% Physical Damage Boost.
Gold Bonus and Glory Bonus increase the rate at which you gain Gold and Glory respectively. Their formulas are (treat % as multipliers, e.g. 17% as 0.17!):
Gold = Base Gold * Gold Bonus
Glory = Base Glory * Glory Bonus
Additionally, the game has a bunch of hidden Stats that either increase the outgoing Damage (of some type) or decrease the Incoming Damage (of some type):
Mod 29 Changes!
Increased Outgoing Damage and their specialized forms. They are all part of the additive ‘Damage Bonuses’ in the damage formula. The following types exist (incomplete list?):
The creature type independent ‘outgoing damage dealt’ (See Mastercraft Weapon Set for example).
At-Will / Encounter / Daily
Melee / Range
Creature based bonuses
Decreased Incoming Damage and their specialized forms. They are all part of the multiplicative ‘Target Mitigation’ in the damage formula. The following types exist (incomplete list?):
The creature type independent ‘incoming damage reduced’ (See Mastercraft Weapon Set or the Power ‘Iron Warrior’ for example).
Creature based bonuses
Companion Damage. The companion stats are not the basis of their outgoing damage. The companion inherits all stats of the character (including the ‘Damage Stat’ equalling Item Level on the Vanguard Fighter) and uses these as the basis for their attacks!
As of Mod 29, the devs have added the hidden Stat "Increased Outgoing Damage Boost" (called Base Damage Boost) and the over-the-cap-but-hidden "Outgoing Healing Boost" for healers (called Overall Outgoing Healing). However, the hidden Decreased Incoming Damage stat was not added to the Stat Sheet! Thus I will keep this section as is until they add it!