Stat Insights (focused for Tanks)
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General note: Stats in general are given as stat points or as percentages. For example Companions can give either stat points or percentages. Each percent is rated as 1000 stat points. Hit points are given on a 4x basis. E.g. instead of getting 1000 defense one can get 4000 HP (ignoring that its total result gets multiplied by CON, VIP and boons).
The Item Level stat is for tanks as important as for dps. It yields the biggest chunk of Hit Points of all sources. Focusing only of the Hit Points received by Item Level, its formula for tanks is:
Assuming for example 31 Con, VIP (group) and full Boons the formula for HP is as follows:
30 000
451 152
40 000
601 536
50 000
751 920
60 000
902 304
70 000
1 076 880
80 000
1 230 720
90 000
1 353 456
100 000
1 503 840
A common misunderstanding is that Item Level is less important than stats and that Item Level is detrimental to increase if taken instead of a better stat distribution. However this is only true for scaled content!
In non scaled content more Item Level is in many cases better than a slightly more fitting stat distribution. Keep in mind that the Set Bonus is still the most important factor: Set Bonus > Item Level > slightly better stat distribution. For example one gear with ~325+ more Item Level is more worth than 1000 lost stat points in the remaining defensive stats.
The Hit Points (HP) stat suffers from relative increase: that means the more HP you add the less percentage increase of HP you get out of it. The HP stat has one specialty. It gets multiplied by Hit Points bonuses like VIP, CON and boons. Along this document, graphics will assume 31 CON, 5x VIP and 4% from boons resulting in a multiplier of (1+0.155+0.05)*1.04 =1.2532. Thus, one would not exchange 1000 defense (or any other stat) for only raw 4000 HP, but rather for ~5012.8 HP total. At ~60k Item Level the fighter has 60000*10*1.2*1.2532 ~900 000 HP without getting HP from anything else. With this assumed, the EHP increase looks like as followed:
The Damage Stat suffers from relative increase similar to Hit Points: that means the more Damage (stat) you add the less percentage increase of Damage you get out of it. Otherwise there is nothing special about the Damage stat. See the image below (for 50k IL+).