Equip Power
The mount Equip Power was mainly introduced to largely change the stat distribution into a more favorable way. However, with more and more mods dropping, auras (stats that are shared with allies) and Equip Powers that provide a decent effect than simply stats to your toon were introduced. It is recommended to take a look at them first, before thinking about any stat Equip powers. The following tables show the currently available auras and useful special Equip Powers at mythic with 100% bolster. As a tank, It is recommended to take the Pack Tactics aura (for easier stat management) and change it to Runic Aura or Mystic Aura if Pack Tactics is covered in the party / raid.
Pack Tactics
(It does not have any icon in the buff bar)
2700 Combined Rating, 2250 Combat Advantage and Awareness to you and your party members (including allies) within 80’. Multiple allies using this Aura will stack the effects, but each additional stack provides only 50% of the effect of the previous stack.
This aura is best suited on the tank, because Awareness can be reliably kept even in other parties by using it.
Runic Aura
2700 Combined Rating, 2250 Power and Defense to you and your party members (including allies) within 80’. Multiple of the same Aura do not stack. The most advanced Aura will be taken if multiple are available.
This power is best suited for the healer. It can be taken if Pack Tactics is already covered.
Mystic Aura
(It does not have any icon in the buff bar)
2700 Combined Rating, 2250 Power and Accuracy to you and your party members (including allies) within 80’. Multiple of the same Aura do not stack. The most advanced Aura will be taken if multiple are available.
This power is best suited for the healer. It can be taken if Pack Tactics is already covered.
Special Equip Powers
For reference, the next table shows the special equip powers. However, these are mainly recommended to take as a dps.
2700 Combined Rating, When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance you will gain a stack of Ferocity, granting you 1.6% additional damage for 10 seconds. This effect may stack up to 3 times.
The +1.6% damage is inflicted as an additional hit. 2 stacks deal damage as one hit of 3.2% damage. However, the buff has a very low chance to trigger.
2700 Combined Rating, When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance they will be healed for 6% of their Maximum Hit Points and you will gain a stack of Radiant Weapon. This effect may only occur once every 10 seconds.
Radiant Weapon grants 2% additional damage as radiant damage for 12 seconds. You may have no more than 8 stacks of Radiant Weapon from any source.
Stat Equip Powers
If the auras are covered, or do not fit the circumstances, then take one of the stat Equip Powers. The following table shows the useful defensive powers at mythic with 100% bolster. Offensive Equip Powers can be taken for the more offensive route. Recently, Devs added "three stats" bonuses that fit not well together, but have a higher stat amount. It is not yet relevant but might be interesting in the future. Here is the quote:
Equip Power: Otherworldly Adaptability: (link)
"This equip power breaks the standard budget a little due to granting stats that generally don’t synergize. Though it has three stats, each of them has the value they would if it were split between two stats instead. At 100% Mount Bolster, this comes to:
2700 Combined Rating
2250 Forte
2250 Incoming Healing
2250 Outgoing Healing
We’ve aimed for this to be a useful stat combination primarily for healers, with situational use for tanks and DPS players."
Deadly Decay
2700 Combined Rating, 9000 HP, 2250 Critical Avoidance.
Fast Striding
2700 Combined Rating, 6% Movement Speed
Hearty Resistance
2700 Combined Rating, 4500 Critical Avoidance
Heroic Soul
2700 Combined Rating, 4500 Forte
2700 Combined Rating, 4500 Defense
2700 Combined Rating, 4500 Awareness
Refreshing Breeze
2700 Combined Rating, 6% Stamina Regeneration
2700 Combined Rating, 2250 Defense HP, 2250 Deflection.
Shadow Sight
2700 Combined Rating, 3% Movement Speed, 1.5% Awareness
2700 Combined Rating, 18000 HP.
2700 Combined Rating, 4500 Deflection.
Last updated