Deciding factor: Item Bonuses
There are currently two good options, the supportive Antiquated Drow Priest's Mitts and the defensive Abyss Conqueror's Provoker Gloves.
☆☆ One Recommended Choice
Source: Underdark Hunts
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
Massive amounts of Stats gained (and taken). Due to its 4 second uptime for all stacks, it is easy to keep the 10 Stacks.
The -25% Movement Speed are not that noticeable and are fast regained once we stopped attacking.
Bug: It has a weird behavior, when some of the Stacks time out. It seems like some stacks are queued and only activated once other stacks time out. Thus even high uptime of fewer stacks once we stopped attacking!
Source: The Demonweb Pits (Master) - First Boss
Pretty good stats for an arm piece. Unreliable but strong bonus!
Source: The Lair of the Mad Dragon (Master)
Lesser version from TIC (Advanced).
Source: The Lair of the Mad Dragon (Advanced)
Lesser version from TIC (Master).
Source: The Infernal Citadel (Master)
Lesser version from MDoM (Master).
Source: Defense of the Moondancer (Master)
Lesser Version of Abyss Conqueror's Provoker Gloves.
Source: Vault of Stars hardcore Miniboss drops
Niche item. 1 attack is reduced once every 10s. Good vs tank busters but hard to control the cooldown! A good mix of damage and survivability against big hits! Less useful versus fast hitting bosses. Applies stacks for any hit (including Mythaller etc). Damage and DR Stacks cannot be applied at the same time, thus the damage buff is most time active. Works great against Annihilations.
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
Old Alternative:
Source: Vallenhas
Niche item. Only useful if many enemy attacks hit at the same time or many hits are applied (Crown of Keldegonn). Thus okish in trash mob pulls. Otherwise hardly to control and mostly useless in boss fights. Average 1% damage resistance in boss fights (you don't stop attacking right?)
Not recommended.
Source: Ancient Dragon Hunt Store
Old Alternative:
Source: Vallenhas
☆ Starter Item (as long as Mountain of Flame is open to all)
A starter item. Easy to get as long as Mountain of Flame is not IL restricted. Otherwise pretty useless.
Source: Mountain of Flame Campaign Store
A good bonus. The 5 stacks are easily kept with the 10 seconds uptime and all stacks refresh when triggered! However, it is way too expensive to get it. Not recommended to buy.
Source: The Demonweb Pits Campaign Store
This bonus got fixed! Keep in mind that only a few attacks are considered ranged. A few of them are listed here:
Beholder attack - Eyes of the Beholder (looks like lasers from eyes)
Drider - Slashing Darkness (Red front attack in a shape of a rectangle, this attack is unaffected by drow/spider wards)
Drider - Prey Seeker (purple balls)
This bonus can be gained from rings too!
Source: Undermountain Expeditions
Niche item. The counterpart to Mighty Vambraces. The triggering attack is not reduced and then holds for 10s. Unreliable on countering tank busters and hard to control stacks! Good survivability versus medium slow attacking bosses. Less useful versus fast hitting bosses and annihilations. Applies 2 stacks if the weapons enchantment deals damage. Stacks cannot be applied at the same time, thus the damage resistance buff is most time active.
Because of its unreliable and okish buff, Crag Scalers or Mighty Vambraces are the better alternatives.
Source: Vault of Stars hardcore Miniboss drops
☆ Starter Item (as long as Wildspace is open to all)
Okayish bonus. Easy to get.
Source: Wildspace Adventures Campaign Store (Vocath)
☆ Starter Item
Does not have a buff icon. Dots like the MToS lines, do not trigger it. Only Root, Slow, Prone and CC trigger it. Thus its uptime is very low and there is no content where it fits well. Not recommended.
Source: Seal Store (Seals of the Dragon - Random Queues)
Looks like a great item. However the lost Item Level is not worth it and in scaled content not really needed.
Source: Lazaric - Ravenloft T3 Hunt
☆ Starter Item
Lastly a funny trap item:
Yes, no need to rub your eyes. This item has indeed the potential to give 20 000 Deflection! Potential wise it is by far the strongest item! However, since heals are so powerful in the game, the state of hitpoints is typically either 0% (dead) or 100%. Thus pretty useless.
Source: Dragon Hunt Store / Juma Bags
Unbeliavable bad item. The number of your attacks should not be below the number of incoming attacks and also Awarenes rating should be capped!
Source: Demonweb Pits Campaign Store
Funnily one of the best defensive option is also the best offensive option! I ll copy it once more here.
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice (for scaled content only)
Extremely weird item because it counters scaling! What did the devs even thought?!?
The Damage you gain is part of the Damage Stat! Thus it is really close to +20% damage!
Source: Light of Xaryxis Campaign Store / Invasions
☆☆☆ One Recommended Choice
Massive amounts of Stats gained (and taken). Due to its 4 second uptime for all stacks, it is easy to keep the 10 Stacks.
The -25% Movement Speed are not that noticeable and are fast regained once we stopped attacking.
Bug: It has a weird behavior, when some of the Stacks time out. It seems like some stacks are queued and only activated once other stacks time out. Thus even high uptime of fewer stacks once we stopped attacking!
Source: The Demonweb Pits (Master) - First Boss
Not a bad item, when the number of outgoing attacks are higher than the number of incoming hits. At 20 stacks any outgoing hit will not refresh the stack timer. So after 10 seconds, all stacks must be rebuilt. An incoming hit that reduces the counter to 19 is thus welcomed!
Source: Menzoberranzan Campaign Store
Offensive alternative. Because all other alternatives have a downside, choosing the offensive way is very decent. At 20 stacks any outgoing hit will not refresh the stack timer. So after 10 seconds, all stacks must be rebuilt. An incoming hit that reduces the counter to 19 is thus welcomed!
Lesser Versions can be used as starters: Lion Guard Gauntlets, Divine Ward Vambraces
Source: Vault of Stars hardcore Miniboss drops
★ Bad Choice
Now lastly, some fake choices: An incredibly bad item. The damage it deals is simply Damage (stat) *1.75. It is unaffected by Power, CA and so on. It is better to take any other offensive choice instead of this one. With its 15s internal cooldown and its low chance to proc, it doesn’t trigger often on tanks, especially since Vanguards tend to have a low critical chance stat. It can however trigger the Vistani set and the Grace ring!
Source: Master Temple of Spider / Northdark
Campaign Store
Source for Exalted: Menzoberranzan Campaign Store
Last updated